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MAP (Medical Assistance Program) Workshop

In This Workshop, You Will Learn:
How to establish and strengthen your connection with your MAP Team
The step-by-step process for calling in medical assistance for yourself or others
How to integrate MAP into your daily life for continuous support
Ways to optimize your healing process and expand your intuitive awareness
How to clear imprints, wounds, and energy blocks that hold back your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being
Techniques to work more closely with the invisible world and your spiritual guides, expanding your understanding and deepening your connection

Through a series of experiential exercises and teachings, you will learn how to activate, communicate, and work with your sacred MAP Team. This includes practical ways to apply MAP to your daily life, allowing you to engage with your healing journey and spiritual path in profound and transformative ways.

You Will Receive:
Handouts with key teachings and guided practices
Complete instructions for connecting with your personal MAP Team
1 Bottle of ETS (Emergency Trauma Solution) – a powerful formula created by Machaelle Wright, infused with electrical imprints from 153 different plants and minerals to support energetic and physical healing
A supportive community you can call upon for guidance and assistance, as well as connection with others’ MAP Teams for mutual support

What to Bring:
An open mind and willingness to connect
A blanket and cushion for comfort
A packed lunch and drink with a lid
A notebook and pen to journal insights

Experience Hands-On Practice in a Supportive Environment!
This workshop provides a unique opportunity to practice MAP techniques in real-time, ensuring you leave with the confidence to apply this powerful system to your life.

Workshop Date: May 4
Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Cost: $160.00
Location: Serenity Wellness Collective
Space is Limited! To ensure an intimate and enriching experience, reserve your spot today.

Registration & Payment Required Contact Brenda Rhodes at 610.737.9560 by March 23

For More Info:

No matter where you are. No matter what you’re going through. MAP is here for you.

April 27

Sound Bath with Donnamarie Artsye

May 7

Monthly Empowering women's circle: RiseTogether, Shine Together