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Reiki II Certification

Reiki II Certification

You will receive a greater perspective of how the energy of self affects the energy of others around you and a deeper understanding of using Reiki healing for yourself and others opening doors to higher levels of awareness.

You will learn advanced techniques, tools, and three sacred symbols used as a focus to enable you to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absentee healing.

You receive two attunements and develop both a greater sensitivity to energy and intuitive awareness.

Reiki II will provide the necessary training and discipline required for you to operate publicly as a Reiki practitioner if this is your intention.

Class date: March 16th
Time: 10:00 – 3:00
Register by Feb. 10
Cost $280.00

Private one one-on-one certification is available by appointment.

What to bring:

  • An open mind

  • Blanket and cushion to sit on

  • Packed lunch and drink

  • Pen and notebook

This workshop will cover…

  • A quick review of Reiki I

  • Uses of Reiki for Specific Conditions

  • Reiki II Attunements

  • Understanding Reiki symbols for intensifying Reiki energy

  • distant healing and releasing emotional and mental blockages to change unwanted habits

  • creating balance

You will…

  • Practice using Reiki symbols for treatments

  • Receive a Reiki II Certificate


Click here to register!

March 12


March 19

Echos of The Past