Reiki II Certification
You will receive a greater perspective of how the energy of self affects the energy of others around you and a deeper understanding of using Reiki healing for yourself and others opening doors to higher levels of awareness.
You will learn advanced techniques, tools, and three sacred symbols used as a focus to enable you to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absentee healing.
You receive two attunements and develop both a greater sensitivity to energy and intuitive awareness.
Reiki II will provide the necessary training and discipline required for you to operate publicly as a Reiki practitioner if this is your intention.
Class date: March 16th
Time: 10:00 – 3:00
Register by Feb. 10
Cost $280.00
Private one one-on-one certification is available by appointment.
What to bring:
An open mind
Blanket and cushion to sit on
Packed lunch and drink
Pen and notebook
This workshop will cover…
A quick review of Reiki I
Uses of Reiki for Specific Conditions
Reiki II Attunements
Understanding Reiki symbols for intensifying Reiki energy
distant healing and releasing emotional and mental blockages to change unwanted habits
creating balance
You will…
Practice using Reiki symbols for treatments
Receive a Reiki II Certificate